

Explore our comprehensive FAQs section for quick answers and find the perfect gift with ease.

Yes, we do, You can choose message according to your choice for any occasions

We deliver all over UAE

Yes we do same day delivery all over UAE within 3 hours

We have different varieties & options

Yes can be done but customize cake have different price.

Theme is completely customizable favor ding to your personalization.

We can deliver to any space which you looking forward whether in residence , hotels or any corporate office

We have only carhop service at our particular location not physically choose product.

Can be done aswel on different sizes clients looking for

We open at morning 9 am and we stop taking orders by 7pm but we deliver order till midnight 12

Our last delivery time is 12/1 in midnight not late then that we do unless it’s a special order with extra charges provided by customer

We do home setups , decoration & wedding venue also

Our cakes specially baked by our partners bakery.

We order cakes and according to client need so its not possible to have unfresh cake

Definitely yes possible but only under the amount of 200 above then 200 order it have to be paid 50% advance

We have cash on delivery , online payment by card & bank transfer or deposit

It completely depends on the location some areas its free & some are holding delivery charges